
Suits on bikes again!
5 July 2023

Suits on bikes again!

This time the weather is going to be beautiful! At 5:00 PM, two pelotons will depart from the office buildings in Warsaw towards the right bank of the Vistula River. The finale will take place at the Spółdzielnia restaurant. There will be a delicious meal, healthy bicycle-themed drinks, something stronger, bike servicing, as well as numerous gifts and ...
Przejazd na szóstkę!
13 June 2022

Przejazd na szóstkę!

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Szósta edycja przejazdu rowerowego Eurobuildu „Garnitury na Rowery” już za nami! W ostatni czwartek, 9.06, około 100 cyklistów przemierzyło trzema ...
Nasi Fundatorzy
9 June 2022

Nasi Fundatorzy

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Do grona Partnerów Przejazdu Rowerowego dołączyli Fundatorzy Nagród. Są wśród nich firmy PHN, Portico Project Management, Sylveco oraz Trigar. Firma ...
Wypróbuj pierwszy w Polsce automatyczny podziemny parking rowerowy!
6 June 2022

Wypróbuj pierwszy w Polsce automatyczny podziemny parking rowerowy!

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Grupa Capital Park, inwestor Fabryki Norblina, dołączyła do inicjatywy „Garnitury na rowery” i została Sponsorem Finału Przejazdu. Uczestnicy ...
PHN zaprasza Garnitury na Rowery
31 May 2022

PHN zaprasza Garnitury na Rowery

Głównym partnerem 6. Przejazdu “Garnitury na Rowery” już po raz drugi został Polski Holding Nieruchomości. Firma jest inwestorem warszawskiego kompleksu biurowego SkySawa przy rondzie ONZ – spod 40-piętrowej wieży wyruszy jedna z grup cyklistów naszego przejazdu. Polski Holding Nieruchomości promuje ...
Ambasada Królestwa Niderlandów patronem honorowym przejazdu rowerowego
27 May 2022

Ambasada Królestwa Niderlandów patronem honorowym przejazdu rowerowego

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Możemy już oficjalnie ogłosić, że Ambasada Królestwa Niderlandów objęła honorowym patronatem nasze wydarzenie! Jesteśmy zaszczyceni, zwłaszcza ...
Rowerowy styl Portico
24 May 2022

Rowerowy styl Portico

Rower jest ekologiczny i ekonomiczny – to motto kolejnej odsłony przejazdu „Garnitury na rowery” organizowanego przez Eurobuild Conferences. Jadąc do pracy rowerem nie tylko dbamy o siebie i swoje zdrowie, ale przyczyniamy się również do ochrony środowiska. Podczas szóstego przejazdu ulicami Warszawy wraz ze Sponsorem – ...
We're starting out from myhive Warsaw Spire again
24 May 2022

We're starting out from myhive Warsaw Spire again

Immofinanz has been involved in Eurobuild Conferences’ ‘Suits on Bikes’ project since the very first time the event took place, and, naturally, this year’s no exception. For many years, the company has been consistent in promoting cycling as a healthy and safe means of transport. Public transport – due to the remote work – may be a bit less ...
Wheels on fire!
14 July 2021

Wheels on fire!

Our hopes for a rain-free day were fulfilled beyond all our expectations. The fifth ‘Suits on Bikes’ cycle ride and forum was held on a day blessed with sunshine and at temperatures that reached 30⁰C. This made it the hottest bike ride and party yet – and the symbolic work suits traditionally worn at each previous event were certainly not the order of ...
Pedal-power from Portico
23 June 2021

Pedal-power from Portico

Portico Project Management is another of Eurobuild’s partners who are keen to encourage their employees to cycle to work and thus promote the ideal of ​​sustainable transport. And the company’s president himself sets the perfect example.   Robert Pawlak has travelled thousands of kilometres by bike, not only in Poland but also abroad. ...
Bicycle emergency service
23 June 2021

Bicycle emergency service

The route of the ‘Suits on Bikes’ cycle ride, which we would like to invite you to join on July 7th, will be 5–10 km long, so it will not be an epic voyage. But even on a gentle ride around the city, breakdowns can occur. A punctured inner tube or a jammed chain or derailleur… these are by no means disasters, but they can prevent the bike from further ...
SkySawa drugim punktem startowym "Garniturów"!
21 June 2021

SkySawa drugim punktem startowym "Garniturów"!

Przy warszawskim rondzie ONZ rośnie kolejna wieża – biurowiec SkySawa. Ogromnym udogodnieniem dla najemców stanie się bezpośrednie połączenie wieży ze stacją metra, jednak nie mniejszym atutem będzie pierwszorzędne zaplecze rowerowe. Rower stał się symbolem ekologicznego podejścia do życia i biznesu – z taką polityką ...
myhive Warsaw Spire – the ‘Suits on Bikes’ starting point
11 May 2021

myhive Warsaw Spire – the ‘Suits on Bikes’ starting point

myhive Warsaw Spire is now an established landmark of Warsaw’s Wola district, an office tower that probably no one needs a map or an app to find. Therefore it’s also the perfect meeting point for those taking part in our annual ‘Suits on Bikes’ cycle ride The event, which is to take place on July 7th, is this year to be held for the fifth time. The aim of ...
Complete the survey and win some fantastic prizes!
24 March 2021

Complete the survey and win some fantastic prizes!

We invite all cyclists, both regular bikers and those who only cycle occasionally, to fill in our questionnaire and share their comments and opinions on cycling to work. From the answers to the questions included in the survey which can be found under the link:, we should be able to determine what ...
Nextbike: two-wheelers for everyone
12 March 2021

Nextbike: two-wheelers for everyone

This year’s ‘Suits on Bikes’ would not be complete without our permanent partner for the event, Nextbike. As usual year, the company will be providing public bikes to everyone taking part in the ride If it weren’t for Veturilo public bikes, a lot less people would cycling to work in Warsaw. Clearly not having your own two-wheeler is a big problem ...
Mission: cycling to work. Target: the office worker
19 February 2021

Mission: cycling to work. Target: the office worker

Who would have thought that our modest project, dreamt up one day by a handful of cycling enthusiasts, would still be going strong for the fifth year running? This year’s ‘Suits on Bikes!’ ride is to take place once again – on July 7th! Our idea for a bike ride around the city has since become something of a hit – as more and more people in the sector ...
With the wind in your ...
18 August 2020

With the wind in your ...

If a bicycle ride around town was just meant to be a pleasure, the Suits on Bikes event wouldn’t make much sense. But behind the event, which Eurobuild has now organised for the fourth time, hides a deeper sense of purpose or more accurately a number of ideas – we want to promote the bicycle as a means of transport that is economical, safe, healthy and ...
To już jutro!
29 July 2020

To już jutro!

Z niecierpliwością oczekujemy jutrzejszego przejazdu „Garnitury na rowery” i dopinamy ostatnie szczegóły. Przypominamy, że startujemy z dwóch miejsc i spotykamy się na Pl. Europejskim, gdzie gościć nas będzie firma Immofinanz – właściciel budynku Warsaw Spire oraz na ul. Domaniewskiej 34a, gdzie uczestników powita ...
Mobilny warsztat rowerowy czyli sposób na „kapcia” i inne usterki
28 July 2020

Mobilny warsztat rowerowy czyli sposób na „kapcia” i inne usterki

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. „Kapeć” czyli przedziurawiona dętka, to jedna z najczęstszych awarii podczas jazdy na rowerze. Czy może być gorzej? Niestety może. Urwany łańcuch, ...
Owocowe paliwo na starcie
24 July 2020

Owocowe paliwo na starcie

Przypomnijmy: uczestników przejazdu „Garnitury na rowery” czeka jazda rekreacyjna, bynajmniej nie wyczynowa. Długość pierwszej trasy z pl. Europejskiego to 3,5 kilometra, a tej drugiej, z ul. Domaniewskiej – 5 kilometrów. Ale nawet pokonanie krótkiego odcinka powinno rozpocząć się od zaopatrzenia organizmu w niezbędną ...
7R w garniturach na rowery!
17 July 2020

7R w garniturach na rowery!

Rower jest ekonomiczny, ekologiczny a w czasie pandemii także bezpieczny dla użytkowników – to mogłoby być motto kolejnej odsłony przejazdu „Garnitury na rowery” organizowanego przez Eurobuild Conferences. Podczas czwartego przejazdu ulicami Warszawy wraz z partnerem, firmą 7R Logistic, przyjrzymy się bliżej kwestii ...
Kręcą nas rowery
16 July 2020

Kręcą nas rowery

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Z projektem „Garnitury na rowery” firma Immofinanz jest związana od pierwszej edycji przejazdów. Nie mogło być inaczej również w tym roku. Inwestor od ...
A send off from the Ambassador
14 July 2020

A send off from the Ambassador

This year, our ‘Suits on Bikes’ cycle ride will start in Warsaw’s Służewiec business district. The starting point will be the Ambassador Office Building owned by Hines, which is located at ul. Domaniewska 34a. Sustainable development is one of the foundations of Hines’ business. The company’s HinesGo programme is aimed at promoting ...
Ucieknij wirusowi na rowerze
10 July 2020

Ucieknij wirusowi na rowerze

Nie wszyscy możemy pozwolić sobie na pracę zdalną, wielu z nas musi dojeżdżać do pracy także w czasie pandemii. Jaki środek transportu wybrać, by było szybko i bezpiecznie? W takiej sytuacji świetnie sprawdza się rower. Dwa kółka to znakomita alternatywna, jeśli nie możesz dojeżdżać samochodem i nie chcesz korzystać z ...
I want to ride my bicycle… around Służewiec
11 March 2020

I want to ride my bicycle… around Służewiec

Warsaw’s Służewiec office sub-district has finally been going some way toward shedding its bad reputation. Gradually, the changes taking place in this part of the city have been rebuilding its position as a comfortable place for working and living, while the sarcastic nickname of ‘Mordor’ that it had previously earned is being heard much less ...
Closing of registrations
22 May 2019

Closing of registrations

Due to the number of entrants having already exceeded our quota, we regret to inform you that in order to ensure the safety of the event, we shall be closing online registrations forthwith and we will not be accepting registration forms sent as pdf files. We look forward to seeing all those who have entered at the event and invite all those who failed to ...
All roads lead to... Elektrownia Powiśle
14 May 2019

All roads lead to... Elektrownia Powiśle

This year, those taking part in the ‘Suits on Bikes’ ride will have the opportunity to visit a place where more than 100 years of history mingles with modernity. We will be starting from three points around Warsaw, but after that each of our roads will lead us to one place: Powiśle. Specifically, to the former Elektrownia Powiśle power station, which ...
Start out from the WFC – the business heart of Warsaw
14 May 2019

Start out from the WFC – the business heart of Warsaw

One of the starting points at this year’s Suits on Bikes’ discussion ride with city planners will be at the Warsaw Financial Center building. The office building is not just one of the most iconic buildings in Warsaw, but it is also perfect for the needs of cyclists! A separate area for storing bicycles is provided in the car park on the first floor. They ...
Suits on Bikes: a day for reflection
13 May 2019

Suits on Bikes: a day for reflection

Cycling is a highly pleasurable activity, but the consequences of even the most harmless-looking bicycle accident can be very far from pleasant. Which is why it’s so important to learn about cycle safety. One of the key issues from the safety point of view is that cyclists on the road should be as visible as possible. This means that there should be ...
Parade Square – the heart of... cycling in Warsaw
10 May 2019

Parade Square – the heart of... cycling in Warsaw

The Palace of Culture and Science and its location on Plac Defilad [Parade Square] are located in the very heart of Warsaw and so have traditionally been the focus of the city’s cultural and business life. However, the square itself has become something of a blot on the cityscape, which in terms of development has for years been an empty and neglected void. ...
The ten commandments for an attentive (and safe) road user
6 May 2019

The ten commandments for an attentive (and safe) road user

1. Don’t be in such a hurry. If you want to make it on time, leave earlier. If you are already late – you can’t do too much about that anyway, so it is not worth getting even more stressed about it. 2. Synchronise yourself with the traffic and move smoothly with it. Contrary to how it may seem, you can reach your destination much faster in this way rather than ...
Zen and the art of vehicular awareness
12 April 2019

Zen and the art of vehicular awareness

Every road user is aware of how difficult it is to focus on the road ahead when so many things can distract us. The modern world also encourages us to live and travel faster. These days we also expect to be constantly in touch with each other – even when we’re behind the wheel or handlebars. And that’s when road safety can slip our minds and make us more prone ...
Immofinanz stays ahead of the cycle
22 March 2019

Immofinanz stays ahead of the cycle

Immofinanz will be supporting our ‘Suits on Bikes’ bike ride in Warsaw. The event, which features city planners and experts, is this year taking place for the third time. As a sponsor of the ride, Immofinanz has chosen a building it owns as one of the starting places for the ride. Therefore one of the teams of cyclists will be setting off from Crown Point ...
Eurobuild CEE’s third ‘Suits on Bikes’ ride
13 February 2019

Eurobuild CEE’s third ‘Suits on Bikes’ ride

The idea for an educational bike ride along the streets of Warsaw is one that has the commercial real estate market has very much taken to its heart. Therefore we have the great pleasure of organising this event for you for the third time. Each time we try to make sure that the discussions during the ride are on different themes. So this year we have decided to ...
Mobilny Warsztat Rowerowy na Bulwarach
6 September 2018

Mobilny Warsztat Rowerowy na Bulwarach

W piątek, 7 września na Bulwary Wiślane zawita Mobilny Serwis Rowerowy. Uczestnicy Garniturów na rowery, którzy przyjadą własnym rowerem, będą mogli skorzystać z usług serwisowych takich jak regulacja hamulców, przerzutek, łatanie przebitej opony czy smarowanie łańcucha. Wszystko to za darmo w ramach programu Aktywny ...
Ride and relax with Immofinanz
5 September 2018

Ride and relax with Immofinanz

We are very happy to announce that our sponsors of the bike ride, Immofinanz, will be providing MyHive bicycles at two of the four starting points. The bikes will be available to those starting the ride from the MyHive Crown Point office building at ul. Prosta 70 and from the MyHive Nimbus office building at Al. Jerozolimskie 98. The ride from these two ...
Support the Iskierka foundation while you pedal away
5 September 2018

Support the Iskierka foundation while you pedal away

We are committed to supporting the work of the Iskierka foundation and encourage you to also give it your support during our cycling tour. All you have to do is to install the required app and cycle with us on Friday, September 7th. Detailed information about how to do this and on the campaign itself is given below. And remember: all the money raised will go ...
The leaders of the pack
31 August 2018

The leaders of the pack

For the discussions about the Warsaw’s urban fabric during the bike ride, you need people with in-depth knowledge of the city’s layout as well as biking enthusiasts. This year Robert Buciak and Krzysztof Gubański will be on hand to offer their expertise in this field. Robert Buciak – since 2014 he has been an important figure in the Green Masovia ...
All roads lead to the brewery
31 August 2018

All roads lead to the brewery

We are very pleased to announce that Echo Investment will be the sponsor of the ‘Suits on Bikes’ cycle ride once again. Each group setting off from the four starting points will stop off at the site of Browary Warszawskie this year, where water and small gifts provided by Echo Investment will be waiting for them. They will also have the opportunity to see ...
Finish on the Boulevards
31 August 2018

Finish on the Boulevards

The ‘Suits on Bikes’ ride will, for the second time, finish on the Vistula Boulevards. This time the venue will be pavilion no. 6 – or ‘Przystanek Sztuka’ [the Art Stop], which is situated on Bulwar Smitha-Pattona, between ul. Bednarska and ul. Nowy Zjazd. Catering provided by the Bellotto hotel will be laid on to make the end of the ride even more ...
The Lixa office complex – the latest starting point of ‘Suits on Bikes’ on September 7th
31 July 2018

The Lixa office complex – the latest starting point of ‘Suits on Bikes’ on September 7th

Yareal’s latest office project, which is situated on the corner of ul. Karolkowa and ul. Kasprzaka in central Warsaw, has been designed as a comfortable place to work within the dynamic new business centre of the capital city. The distinguishing feature of Lixa is its original, diverse architecture, which includes a green courtyard where work can be ...
Suits on Bikes to start from Rondo 1
30 July 2018

Suits on Bikes to start from Rondo 1

Our latest partner, CBRE, has added to the selection of starting places for this year’s bike ride organised by Eurobuild Conferences. The third starting point of the ‘Suits on Bikes’ ride will be at the Rondo 1 office building. At around 5 pm on September 7th, cycling enthusiasts will have the opportunity to tour the city in search of good design in ...
And the second starting point of the ‘Suits on Bikes’ ride
26 July 2018

And the second starting point of the ‘Suits on Bikes’ ride

Knight Frank has joined the discussion about urban space by agreeing to partner the ‘Suits on Bikes’ ride. As a result, the ride will also have another starting point, at the Myhive Nimbus Office building at Al. Jerozolimskie 98. Anyone interested in taking part in the ride and the debate on transport links in the city, commuting to work, ...
The first starting point of the ‘Suits on Bikes’ ride
26 July 2018

The first starting point of the ‘Suits on Bikes’ ride

Cycling is a wonderful means of transport – this is something that is perfectly clear to Immofinanz, which has been encouraging tenants of its Myhive Crown Point building at ul. Prosta 70 in Warsaw. Immofinanz has decided to partner the bike ride and so the company invites you to take your place at the starting point, at the office building on ul. Prosta. ...
The 15th Office Market Conference. Trends & Outlook

The 15th Office Market Conference. Trends & Outlook

October 17th, 2024,Sound Garden Hotel,Warsaw


23 października 2024,,Restauracja Dock19 by Mateusz Gessler, Elektrownia Powiśle, ul. Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 43C, Warszawa
3. Deblowy Turniej Tenisa Eurobuild, Edycja Zimowa

3. Deblowy Turniej Tenisa Eurobuild, Edycja Zimowa

February 21, 2025,Europejskie Centrum Tenisa, ul. Topolowa 29,Mysiadło
11th Commercial Real Estate Investment Conference

11th Commercial Real Estate Investment Conference

March 27th, 2025,Warsaw,Radisson Collection Hotel, Grzybowska 24
The 8th Suits on Bikes Ride
MOSiR Poranki i Wieczory, Wybrzeże szczecińskie 1