Eurobuild CEE’s third ‘Suits on Bikes’ ride

13 February 2019

The idea for an educational bike ride along the streets of Warsaw is one that has the commercial real estate market has very much taken to its heart. Therefore we have the great pleasure of organising this event for you for the third time. Each time we try to make sure that the discussions during the ride are on different themes. So this year we have decided to focus on the topic of road safety. As usual, the Zielone Mazowsze association will be supporting during the ride. Everyone is welcome to take part.
We invite all cycling enthusiasts to the ride and the discussion, on May 23rd, on the safety of bicycle infrastructure and road user culture in general.

The 30th Annual Property Market Convention

The 30th Annual Property Market Convention

December 10th, 2024,Warsaw,InterContinental Hotel
The 20th CEE Warehouse & Logistics Conference

The 20th CEE Warehouse & Logistics Conference

27th September, 2024,Warszawa,Centrum konferencyjne w Centrum Nauki Kopernik
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The 15th Office Market Conference. Trends & Outlook

October 17th, 2024,Sound Garden Hotel,Warsaw
The 8th Suits on Bikes Ride
MOSiR Poranki i Wieczory, Wybrzeże szczecińskie 1