4 lipca 2024
MOSiR Poranki i Wieczory, Wybrzeże szczecińskie 1 , Warszawa

! Participation sale has ended!
We invite all those who did not manage to purchase tickets this year to join us for the next editions.


Join us for the next edition of the Suit Ride on Bicycles!

This year’s event will take place on Thursday, July 4th, and it will be a unique celebration for bike enthusiasts and Warsaw lovers. We are also delighted to have the honorary patronage of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands for our cycling event this season.


Event Details:

Start: Choose from several starting points in Warsaw.

Route: Join our cheerful peloton, which, along with the employees of Warsaw office buildings, will take over the streets of the capital on two wheels. Details will be announced soon!

Safety: Professional guides from the Green Mazovia Association will accompany each group, ensuring a safe and exciting journey.

Post-ride Meeting: After the route is completed, join us for a wrap-up meeting at MOSiR Poranki i Wieczory.

Networking: Make new business connections in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

Attractions: Take advantage of the service point by The Bike Company and enjoy many other attractions prepared especially for participants.

Snacks and Drinks: We care about your taste buds!

Start Time: 4:30 PM

Dress Code: Comfortable office attire – encouraged!

Get Involved: You don’t need to have your own bike, we provide city bikes for everyone interested.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to combine business with pleasure and spend active time outdoors.
See you on the paths of Warsaw!



Event base section

Day 1
Gathering at starting points
Ride begins
End of the ride
Event summary
Fun... Fun... Fun :)
Event ends
1st Starting Point: CFE

ul. Chmielna 108

Construction of Chmielna Duo

Gate No. 1

2nd Starting Point: PORTICO

ul. Spokojna 5

Surface parking


3rd Starting Point: EVOLUTION

ul. Przyokopowa 33

Wola Center

Near Luxmed


Suits on bikes again!
5 July 2023

Suits on bikes again!

This time the weather is going to be beautiful! At 5:00 PM, two pelotons will depart from the office buildings in Warsaw towards the right bank of the Vistula River. The finale will take place at the Spółdzielnia restaurant. There will be a delicious meal, healthy bicycle-themed drinks, something stronger, bike servicing, as well as numerous gifts and ...
Przejazd na szóstkę!
13 June 2022

Przejazd na szóstkę!

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Nasi Fundatorzy
9 June 2022

Nasi Fundatorzy

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Do grona Partnerów Przejazdu Rowerowego dołączyli Fundatorzy Nagród. Są wśród nich firmy PHN, Portico Project Management, Sylveco oraz Trigar. Firma ...

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Schedule 2025

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, ,
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2nd Eurobuild Running Tournament

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