Zen and the art of vehicular awareness

12 April 2019

Every road user is aware of how difficult it is to focus on the road ahead when so many things can distract us. The modern world also encourages us to live and travel faster. These days we also expect to be constantly in touch with each other – even when we’re behind the wheel or handlebars. And that’s when road safety can slip our minds and make us more prone to make mistakes, which according to the statistics is the reason for as many as 80 pct of all road accidents. In response to this, the ZenDriving Foundation has developed a programme aimed at improving the road safety of both drivers and cyclists. It has been devised by psychologists of various specialisations and based on the most tried-and-trusted methods, using global scientific research in the fields of neuropsychology, psychophysiology and psychometrics. The biofeedback methods employed in the programme are designed to help drivers and cyclists adopt safe habits.

As this year’s ‘Suits on Bikes’ meeting is focused on the topic of security, it is our great pleasure to inform you that Magdalena Mazurkiewicz, a ZenDriving Foundation trainer, will be giving a 20-minute presentation at the event on how drivers and cyclists can maintain their attention levels and on how the interaction between road users can be improved.

We would like to invite you attend the bike ride and discussion on May 23rd, 2019. The ride starts at 16:30. The ‘ZenDriving in a Nutshell’ presentation will take place at 19:00, followed at 19:30 by a discussion of all the points raised during the event.

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